SERVISUD / PRODIGE SARL is registered in the trade register under number FR90348546052. His postal address is 13 chemin du plateau de la greenhouse 31140 Pechbonnieu and his e-mail address is prodige@orange.fr
Any order for a product appearing in the online store of the prodige-aromalife.com site requires consultation and prior acceptance of these general conditions of sale. The click to validate the order implies full acceptance of these. This click has the value of "digital signature"
The purpose of these general conditions is to define the rights and obligations of the parties within the framework of the online sale of goods offered by THE SELLER to the consumer.
Order confirmation
The contractual information will be confirmed by e-mail to the address indicated by the consumer on the order form.
Proof of the transaction
The computerized registers, kept in the computer systems of the company LE VENDEUR under reasonable security conditions are considered as proof of communications, orders and payments between the parties.
The archiving of purchase orders and invoices is carried out on a reliable and durable medium that can be produced as evidence.
Product information
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented on THE SITE prodige-aromalife.com. SERVISUD or its suppliers are not, however, responsible for the consequences, incidents, special damages resulting from electronic transmissions or the accuracy of the information transmitted, even if SERVISUD became aware of the possibility of such damages. The names and brands of products and manufacturers are used for identification purposes only. The photos, descriptions and prices of the products are not contractual.
Period of validity of the offer and the price thereof
Our prices are valid for the day.
Delivery method
The products are delivered to the address indicated by the consumer on the order form and only to the geographic areas that we serve
All products leave our premises in perfect condition. The customer must notify the carrier (or the postman) of the slightest trace of shock (holes, traces of crushing, etc.) on the package, and if necessary refuse the package. A new identical product will then be returned to you free of charge.
The exchange of any product declared, a posteriori, damaged during transport, without any reservation having been made upon receipt of the package, cannot be taken into account.
As with any shipment, it is possible to experience a delay or for the product to go astray. In such a case, we contract the carrier to start an investigation. All efforts are made, as long as necessary, to find this package. If applicable, the merchant will be reimbursed by the carrier and deliver a new identical package at his expense.
We decline any responsibility for the extension of delivery times due to the carrier, in particular in the event of loss of products, bad weather or strike.
We cannot be held responsible for any loss or theft of your package during transport. No compensation other than that provided for in the general conditions of La Poste, nor compensation may be required.
Delivery problem due to the carrier
Any anomaly concerning the delivery (damage, missing product compared to the delivery note, damaged package, broken products, etc.) must be indicated on the delivery note in the form of a `` handwritten reserve '', accompanied by the signature of the customer.
The consumer must at the same time confirm this anomaly by sending the carrier within (2) two working days following the delivery date a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt setting out the said complaints.
The consumer must send a copy of this letter to the SELLER'S ADDRESS. Without this fact, we do not proceed to any trade.
Delivery errors
The consumer must formulate to SERVISUD, on the same day of delivery or at the latest on the first working day following delivery, any claim of delivery error and / or non-conformity of the products in kind or in quality compared to the details on the order form.
Beyond this period, any complaint will be rejected. The formulation of this complaint with SERVISUD can be made to prodige@orange.fr
Any complaint not made in accordance with the rules defined above and within the time limits will not be taken into account and will release SERVISUD from any liability towards the consumer.
In the event of a delivery or exchange error, any product to be exchanged or refunded must be returned to SERVISUD as a whole and in its original packaging in immaculate condition at 13 chemin du plateau de la greenhouse 31140 Pechbonnieu.
To be accepted, any return must be reported and have the prior consent of SERVISUD, which in case of agreement will reship the package to the correct address.
The shipping costs are the responsibility of SERVISUD, except in the event that it turns out that the product does not correspond to the original declaration made by the consumer in the correct return direction.
Product warranty
The provisions hereof cannot deprive the consumer of the legal guarantee which obliges the professional seller to guarantee him against all the consequences of latent defects of the thing sold.
The consumer is expressly informed that SERVISUD is not the manufacturer of the products presented on the SITE prodige-aromalife.com and that SERVISUD disclaims all liability for defective products.
Consequently, in the event of damage caused to a person or to a good by default of the product, only the responsibility of the manufacturer of the latter can be sought by the consumer, on the basis of the information appearing on the packaging of the said product.
Right to retract
The right of withdrawal only applies to natural persons.
In accordance with Articles L. 120-20, the consumer has a period of fourteen (14) calendar days to return, at his expense, products that do not suit him. This period starts from the day of receipt of the consumer's order. Any return may be reported in advance to SERVISUD customer service. The product must be returned to AU 13 Chemin du plateau de la greenhouse 31140 Pechbonnieu.
Sensitive products (such crimped bottles and flasks, etc.) must not have been unsealed, so that the consumer can benefit from the right of withdrawal.
Only products returned as a whole, in their original packaging, complete and intact, and in perfect condition for resale will be accepted. Any product that has been damaged, or whose original packaging has been damaged, will not be refunded, taken back or exchanged. This right of withdrawal is exercised without penalty, with the exception of the shipping and return costs. In the event of the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the consumer has the choice of requesting either the reimbursement of the sums paid or the exchange of the product. In the case of an exchange, the return will be at the expense of the consumer.
In case of exercise of the right of withdrawal, SERVISUD will make every effort to reimburse the consumer within fourteen (14) days.
Rights of use
The use of trademarks on the site is strictly prohibited.
Force majeure
Neither party will have failed in its contractual obligations, insofar as their execution will be delayed, hindered or prevented by a fortuitous event of force majeure. Any irresistible fact or circumstance, external to the parties, unforeseeable, inevitable, independent of the will of the parties and which cannot be prevented by the latter, despite all reasonably possible efforts, will be considered a case of force majeure.
The party affected by such circumstances will notify the other within ten working days of the date on which it becomes aware.
The two parties will then come together, within three months, unless this is impossible due to force majeure, to examine the impact of the event and agree on the conditions under which the performance of the contract will be continued. If the force majeure event lasts longer than one month, these general conditions may be terminated by the injured party.
Expressly, are considered as cases of force majeure or fortuitous events, in addition to those which are usually retained by the jurisprudence of the French courts and tribunals: blocking of means of transport, earthquake, fires, storms, flood, lightning, shutdown of telecommunication networks or difficulties specific to telecommunication networks external to customers.
No partial validation
If one or more stipulations of these general conditions are held to be not validated or declared as such in application of a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, the other stipulations will retain all their force. and their scope.
No waiver
The fact that one of the parties does not invoke a breach by the other party of any of the obligations referred to in these general conditions of sale cannot be interpreted for the future as a claim. to the obligation in question.
Applicable law
These general conditions are subject to French law. This is the case for the substantive rules as for the formal rules.
In the event of a dispute or complaint, the consumer will first contact SERVISUD to obtain an amicable solution.
Protection of personal data
All the data that you entrust to us are in order to be able to process your orders.
Under Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to computers, files and freedoms, you have with SERVISUD the right to rectify, consult, modify and delete data that you provide to us. have communicated. This right can also be exercised online.
Any order placed through the prodige-aromalife.com site entails the customer's acceptance, without any restriction, of SERVISUD's general conditions of sale.
In the event of sale to a legal person, any difference relating to the sale (price, GTC, products, etc.) will be subject to French law before the Commercial Court at the head office of SERVISUD.